Downdrafts are ideal for those who have windows behind their cooking space allowing you to take full advantage of the view outside. An open-plan kitchen design, without an overhead rangehood, can also make it easier for guests to socialise in the kitchen and for you to interact as you cook.
Steam expands as it rises so the closer you can extract, the less amount of airflow is required. This is what makes downdrafts quieter to run, as less speeds are required. We have a model that rises up out of the bench when turned on, this model features LED lights and can be recirculated (IK56).
We also have models that do not rise out of the benchtop (IK63, for remote motor). Choosing a model with a remote motor will not only free up valuable cupboard space, but they’re also quieter to run and give you more ducting options. While this model is more cost effective and discrete, they should only be installed with induction or ceramic cooktops – their lower profile would cause too much heat reduction with gas burners. We’d recommend our models that rise up out of the benchtop in combination with gas cooktops.
If you’re looking for the next level up, Flow-In’s are the answer to a streamlined kitchen look. The induction cooktop with built-in downdraft makes clunky rangehoods a thing of the past. The hob and hood integrated in one body enables a practical installation plus easy cleaning thanks to the detachable inner body. Downdrafts are often perceived as less effective which is not the case as it depends entirely on where the downdraft is located in relation to the cooking. The most effective rangehoods on the market, in our opinion, are the ones where the downdraft is positioned in the middle of the cooking area as it has to work less to extract fumes being positioned right at the source. In comparison, a canopy rangehood or ceiling rangehood have to work a lot harder to extract steam and cooking vapours in which case most people increase speed which in return increases the noise.

Our 3416 & 3417 models may be smaller in dimension when compared to our 3413 version, but they have a larger cooking surface. Both sides of the induction cooktop can be ‘bridged’ having the entire surface cooking at once. They also have a slightly longer extractor then the 3413 model. These extractors can be manipulated to focus ventilation to one side or leave it flat if both sides are working at once.
With the versatile installation of a downdraft extraction system, you can install a cooktop almost anywhere, and allow for a truly open-plan kitchen.
A quick overview of some features & benefits of downdrafts
Overview of our Flow In’s
Our Downdrafts & Flow In range:
Double-Flow (3417)$4,799.00
Free-Flow (3416)$4,799.00
IK56 80cm Stainless & Black Glass Downdraft$3,599.00
Flow-In 80cm (3413.2)$4,515.00