Ikon Commercial | Leading suppliers of inspirational sinks and appliances

We are a New Zealand owned and operated supplier of sinks and appliances. Our products are known for innovation and problem-solving capabilities, addressing common kitchen design issues. At Ikon, our goal is to provide our customers with modern and solution-based products that solve typical kitchen design challenges. Our underlying philosophy is simple: the benchmark of success is when our customers come back and our products don’t.


RAVENNA NEW Pull out Instant Hot water Tap This tap is perfect to use as your everyday kitchen tap – you won’t need two separate taps. See Ravenna Pull out Instant hot water tap BIG SINKS Waikato Collection These sinks are very popular for their size.
The Putaruru is 500 x 500
The Tirau is 600 x 500
See Collection
Big sink
RavennaBig Sinks


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